Some historical documents for you to read:

St. Simeon's celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1980, two years following the actual date in 1878 when the first resident clergyman (the Rev. H. J. Evans) was appointed to the Parish.  A booklet was created in 1980  to celebrate the anniversary and included in this booklet was a brief history of the Parish and a description of the activities and groups in the church at the time.  At the time of the celebration of the 100th Anniversary, the Rev. Trevor Jones  was our incumbent.  I remember that there was a big dinner and a special Sunday service with many local dignitaries and  clergy present. (Click on History and description to see these documents)

On June 29, 1977, an article sbout St. Simeon's was included in an anniversary supplement of The Watchman  when The Watchman was celebrating its own 100th anniversary. St. Simeon's was a year younger than the local paper.   I have transcribed the article to facilitate your reading enjoyment.  Click Here to read this article.  I want to thank Vicki Milnes for sending me a copy of this article.  

Finally, The records show that we have been in the care of many priests over our 145 years as a community.  I have prepared a list of these men and women that you can access Here.

I invite you to learn about our congregation through these documents.  As it is written in both The Watchman and the History in 1980:  The story of St. Simeon's is not just that of its rectors and buildings.  It is the ongoing story  of parishioners extending the life of Christ into their homes and contributing to the life of the community.

The above picture is of St. Simeon's in 1940