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- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Donations
- Hits: 861
All year long, our altar is decorated with arrangements of lovely flowers - and more so at Christmas and Easter. The Altar Guild works hard to assure that our church looks beautiful all of the time but extra effort is evident during the festival times.
With rising costs, it is becoming more challenging to maintain this high standard. We ask that you consider making a donation to the Altar Guild - because you appreciate their good work or because you want to give in memory of a loved one.
Donations by cheque may be made to St. Simeon's Anglican Church and please indicate Altar Guild on the Memo line.
If mailing, please use the address; 4 Mady Street, Lachute, QC J8H 3B9
If bringing it to church, you can leave it on the collection plate - clearly identifying your donation to the Altar Guild; OR you can give it to Rev. Nick, to any one of the Wardens or to the Treasurer, Herb Sioui.
We thank you for your consideration to St. Simeon's.
St. Simeon's Altar Guild Members: Judy Evans , Edna Hall and Ann Mason. If you are interested in becoming a member of this team, please speak with any one of these three.
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- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Donations
- Hits: 988
St. Simeon's depends on the financial support of our parishioners to continue the ministry of the church in this area. Regular Sunday offerings are what is needed to sustain the on-going costs of ministry, the maintenance of our buildings, and our continuing support to the Diocese and to outreach programs.
During this time of COVID, many parishioners are using the services of E-Transfer through their Bank. If you would like to use this service, you can send your donation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For several years now, St Simeon's has been using envelopes provided by the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF). These boxed envelopes include an envelope for each Sunday of the year along with an envelope for the PWRDF once a month. Any donations to the PWRDF are included with the receipt of annual givings for the year. The Treasurer then forwards the donations to the PWRDF in Toronto.
If you are interested in giving to the Church using these envelopes, please speak with our Treasurer, Herb Sioui.
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- Category: Donations
- Hits: 795
St. Simeon's houses a family of God's people who work hard to serve our church, our community and the world around us. We appreciate your support as we continue this work.
You can now donate to St. Simeon's by sending an E-Transfer to our Treasurer Herb Sioui at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You could also mail your donation to Herb at the address below:
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- Written by administrator
- Category: Donations
- Hits: 916
One of the easiest ways for parishioners to donate to our church is through Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
- Pre-Authorized PAR Form
- "I give by Pre-Authorized Remittance because St Simeon's is one of my priorities"
- "Whether or not I am there, St Simeon's has on-going commitments every week that need my offering. St Simeon's is important to me, and so is my financial commitment to its work. That is why I use the PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) system to fulfill my commitment."