On December 1, 2021, St. Simeon's became an independent parish within the Diocese of Montreal - having been one of the 10 churches making up the Laurentian Regional Ministry for the past 6 years. God has provided us with a wonderful pastor/ priest who works in our parish on a one-third time basis: the Rev'd Nick Brotherwood.   St. Simeon's holds their Sunday services at  10:00 am.
The first Sunday of the month with be a Morning Prayer Service or Service of the Word, which will be lay-led for most of the first Sundays. Occasionally a priest will be invited to lead a communion service.
Rev. Nick will be leading Holy Communion Services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
The Family Service will continue on the third Sunday of the month at 10:00 am year around.  This is a lay-led Service of the Word, led faithfully by Gordon McPhee.

Special services during Lent and other holidays.

Please refer to the  Church Calendar for specific events and updates on the Sunday services.