Parish of Lachute

St. Simeon's Anglican Church is a part of the Anglican Diocese of Montreal.  


 nick brotherwood100

 The Rev`d Nick Brotherwood,   

Nick has retired as of December 31st, 2024 and we wish him all the best that Retirement has to offer.  For now, St. Simeon's is under the watchful eye of the Archdeacon of St. Andrew, Ven. Dr. Victor-David  Mbuyi-Bipungu.   

Nick accepted the call to become the priest in charge on December 1, 2021.  He will be working in the Parish on a 1/3 time basis - leading services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. 

Ordained in Southwell Minster, England, he has worked mostly in the Diocese of Montreal. Besides his broad experience in ministry, Nick brings with him knowledge and experience from working with young adults as a missioner, and from helping to introduce thinking around fresh expressions of church to Canada.






Wardens:    Susan Sioui                      450-562-8451   Rector's Warden

                              Andy Mason                     450-562-7217   People's Warden

                            Karen Napp                       450-562-1210   Deputy People's Warden


For any inquiries about Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings or Funerals, please contact one of the Wardens.

Mailing address for St. Simeon's

                                             St. Simeon's Anglican Church 
                                   c/o 4 Mady Street
                                      Lachute., QC
                                      J8H 3B9

Treasurer:    Herb Sioui

Lay Assistants:  Edna Hall,  Susan Sioui, Joan Painter, Richard Pink, Andy Mason, Jenna Sioui

Organist:            Janis Morrill

Family Service Coordinator:  Gordon McPhee, Susan Sioui

Altar Guild:  Edna Hall

Women's Fellowship:  Ann Mason

Vestry Clerk:  Karen Napp

Hosts and Readers:  Joan Painter and Judy Evans

Lachute Protestant Cemetery Committee: Herb Sioui, Richard Pink, Andy Mason