An Overview of St. Simeon's Anglican Church



  Dove window preserved from original church building.






St. Simeon’s Anglican Church is located at 445 rue Principale, Lachute, QC. The present church was constructed in 1948 replacing the wood- structured church which was demolished the year before.


St__Simeons_1946_3.jpg       St. Simeon's pre-1947


St. Simeon’s after 1948

open door


The building includes a well-equipped kitchen and church hall which, in the past has bustled with memorable Bazaars, Teas, Dinners, Theater performances,    intergenerational activities, community gatherings and many, many meetings. COVID-19 has effectively put these activities on hold for the past two years, but slowly and encouragingly, things are starting to pick up again.

Upstairs, the nave of the church seats about 100 people comfortably. A pew was removed at the back of the church to create a space for a library with tables and chairs for the children who come.


St. Simeon’s has been blessed with a choir and an organist to lead us in our worship. There is enough room in the choir stalls to seat another 12 people comfortably.

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COVID 19 has been an interesting challenge for the family of St. Simeon’s, however regular contact was always maintained with our parishioners through phone calls and newsletters and visits. Now, in 2023, we are regrouping as the in-person services have begun anew, under the leadership of Rev. Nick Brotherwood (on a part time basis). The Wardens have faithfully and compassionately guided the congregation through the ups and downs over the past few years.

God has a plan for this warm and welcoming gathering of people. As we focus on the future and its possibilities, and the community we serve, we keep our eyes on the prize, Jesus Christ, who lived and died for us all.

See also the article about our history.