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- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Worship Services
- Hits: 337
COVID and various viruses are still present at these times. Although restrictions have been lifted, you are welcome to wear a mask and to keep a 2 m. distance in our service of worship. St. Simeon's has begun a time of fellowship following the service. Coffee and tea will be available in the church hall.
For any questions or concerns about our services, please contact our rector or one of our wardens.
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- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Worship Services
- Hits: 495
On the Third Sunday of each month, St. Simeon's offers a Family Service for people of all ages. These services offer a relaxed format of Service of the Word, featuring guitar-led music and lay-led worship (with the support of Rev'd Nick Brotherwood, our Priest-in-charge).
We are very thankful for the ministry of Gordon McPhee, who not only plans these services, but also leads the singing and offers his thoughtful homilies to those who attend. There is a strong team of lay leaders who also take part in this joyous service of worship to God.
This Family service will be held on the third Sunday of each month at 10 am. All are welcome.
- Details
- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Worship Services
- Hits: 450
The family service team have completed our Easter video and we encourage you to see it on You Tube @ https://youtu.be/YdUGg1MolnE
Watch the Breaking News on Cha-a-a-a-at with Lamb as Lamb probes into the mysteries of Holy Week through interviews with some of the people affected by the many events throughout the week.
- Details
- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Worship Services
- Hits: 407
St. Simeon's is open for in-person church services as of March 6th, 2022. All worship services will be held at 10 am. The first Sunday of the month will be a Service of the Word, led by one of our lay leaders. The Rev'd Nick Brotherwood will lead the service of Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sundays. Our Family Service will be held on the third Sunday. All are invited to join us.
There are still COVID restrictions in place - masks must be worn, the 2 meter distance must be respected, however the COVID passport is no longer required.
For those unable to get out to in-person services, The Rev'd Tania Lesack has kindly invited our congregation to join them in their on-line worship at 4 pm. on Sundays on Zoom. Please contact the wardens for the coordinates.