- Details
- Written by SueAdmin
- Category: Sermons
- Hits: 1625
Please Note:
At the moment, there are very few weekly sermons available for publication.
Please note that if any of our priests or lay leaders are willing to share their sermons on this website, we will continue to provide them here.
To read the sermons that are available, please click on the year in the drop-down menu under "Sermons".
We thank our readers for their support.
Web Master
Sermons 2017
All available sermons will be posted for a period of 4 weeks. We invite you to check in regularly to read and reflect on God's word with Reverend Nicholas Pang.
Sermons 2018
The following sermons are the final ones submitted by Reverend Nicholas Pang.
They will be posted until the end of August.
We have been very blessed by the teachings that Nick offered to all of us each week and we wish him every blessing in his new ministry in British Columbia.