Bible stories. Praise and Prayer. Fun and crafts.
Our next Family service will be held on December 9, 2018 at 9:15 am
This is the Sunday for the presentation of our Annual Christmas Pageant and this year we have invited a special guest to join us.  Lamb has agreed to help us tell the Christmas Story and all of the children will be able to take on their roles as Shepherds and Angels to create the beautiful scene of the gathering at the manger. 
All are welcome to join us.  Bring some friends with you to hear the story and experience the Birth of our King.
For more information about this service and to see some pictures of our last Christmas Pageant please click on the link below.

Here are the themes we have looked at so far in 2018:
The World is a lamp unto my feet   (Psalm 119: 105)
Walking in the Light of God            (John 3: 14-21)
Beleiving in things we cannot see   (John 20: 19-31)
Pentecost                                         (Acts 2: 1-21)
Season of Creation                          (Jeremiah 18: 5-6)
I am the Vine,You are the Branches (John 15: 1-8)
The Book of Psalms - A Song for every mood
The Church was filled with happy and excited voices as families and friends gathered for the Annual Christmas Pageant on December 10, 2017.  As the children arrived they were transformed into shepherds or angels to take part in the tableau which slowly gathered around Mary and Joseph at the front of the Church as the Christmas story was read by several readers from either the lectern or the pulpit.  The feeling of joy and expectation filled the entire gathering.  At the offertory, children brought gifts to the steps of the chancel.  These gifts will be distributed to children within the community.
After the service, children gathered to create Christingles for their families - an activity that absorbed their attention while adults enjoyed fellowship and coffee. 
The Christmas Pageant is organized by a team of dedicated lay people led by Edna Hall.  The entire congregation thanks them for their succesful work in bringing joy to all who were present. 
Thanks to all who read their parts so well.  Thanks to Janis and Gordon for their musical skills and leadership.  Thanks to Rev. Nick for his guidance and support.  Thanks to all of the adults who willingly took their roles to the delight of all - even the three Wise Guys! 
Please take a moment to watch the slide show below.

09 gifts
10 readers
12 christingle
start stop bwd fwd

St. Simeon's offers a family service on the second Sunday of each month from February to June, and September to December.  All services are at 9:15 am.  This ministry is fun for all ages and focuses on bringing the Bible stories to children.  Come join us for learning, prayer and singing praise, all in a casual format.  All are welcome.

   Most of our presentations are adapted from the Anglican Joburg Children's Ministry Resources


Our roots:  In September, 1999, a small group of people met to discuss the possibility of offering a monthly worship service geared to the many families living in our area. The first Alternate service was held on October 17, 1999 at 8:45 am with several families and their young children attending. Over the years, the service has evolved and our families have changed, but this worship service continues regularly on the second Sunday of the month from September to June.

 All of these services are organized and led by a dedicated group of laity under the guidance of the Priest. All people are welcome to attend and participate in this worship time.