St. Simeon’s will be contributing to the support of two refugee families who have recently come to Canada from the Ukraine.  The first of the families arrived in July, 2022 with their two children and they are presently living in Grenville.  The second family arrived separately in December and March and their baby was born in Canada not too long after the young mother’s arrival.  They are presently living in Lachute.

We hope to raise money to assist these two families, who like so many refugee families have arrived in Canada with very little.  All people are welcome to participate in this worthwhile outreach.

  • Your donation can be sent by ETransfer to our Treasurer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • You may also mail your cheque to

                                          St. Simeon’s Anglican Church

                                                c/o Treasurer, Herbert Sioui

                                                4 Mady St.,

                                                Lachute, QC

                                                J8H 3B9

  • OR:  place your contribution on the offering plate on Sunday morning. 

Whatever method of support that you choose, please be sure to indicate “Ukrainian Families” on your check, envelope or ETransfer.

Receipts will be issued for all donations of $20. and more. 

We thank you for your generosity and your kindness in offering your support to these two families.